WWE unveils “historic” Womentercontinental Championship

WWE's new Womentercontinental Championship will give mid-card women the same mediocre glory to seek as their male mid-card counterparts.

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) made another “historic” stride in its ongoing march toward full equality and inclusiveness today by unveiling its “super-historic” Womentercontinental Championship.

The championship, presumably to be contested by women within North and South America, is the women’s equivalent of the Intercontinental Championship, which has been renamed the Himtercontinental Championship.

“History is being made today,” said WWE executive and equal-rights pioneer Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley during a press conference at the company’s Connecticut Headquarters.

“The historic Womentercontinental Championship is so historically historic,” added Mrs. McMahon-Helmsley, “they’ll have to rewrite the history books, quite frankly.”

The first Womentercontinental Champion, Ruby Riott, was crowned during a tournament last night in Rio De Janeiro, though no footage of the event has yet surfaced.