WWE launches “Get the W Out” campaign

In an effort to finally have the word “wrestling” removed from its name, World Wrestling Entertainment is expected to launch a campaign featuring the catch-phrase “Get the W Out.”
More than a decade has passed since the company’s successful “Get the F Out” campaign — which heralded its change from WWF to WWE — and marketing executives hope the new campaign will convince fans to refer to the organization simply was World Entertainment.
Although professional wrestling has been the company’s bread and butter for decades, chairman Vince McMahon is eager to avoid the stigma associated with wrestling by branching into every other form of entertainment.
For example, next week’s episode of the company’s flagship program, Raw, will feature three dance contests, rap-offs, two tug-of-war matches, 17 movie plugs, four guest appearances and a pillow fight, but no actual wrestling matches.
Starting in June, the company’s acronym will be officially shorted to “WE,” which McMahon says has a “much more inclusive” vibe.
“Any actual wrestling that happens on our programming will be purely by accident,” said McMahon in a press release. “We’re an entertainment company that puts smiles on people’s faces, so let’s Get the W Out!©”