World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) announced this morning that, in a cost-cutting measure, its entire writing staff has been replaced by a sophisticated form of artificial unintelligence that can write nonsense exponentially faster.

Software giant Innitech AI revealed its new software, Bookerbot GPT, which can generate a year’s worth of matches, plotlines and silly backstage skits in an instant.

The software employs a new artificial unintelligence (AU) technology called “machine forgetting” — the opposite of machine learning — to re-hash old tropes and storylines in a way that the audience finds comfortingly familiar and easily understood.

Previously, all of the ludicrous onscreen action and stilted dialogue was penned by WWE’s so-called Creative Team, made up largely of former soap opera writers and ex-cons, but the artificial unintelligence can pump out ham-fisted schlock far more efficiently than its human counterparts.

By the year 2027, according to one expert, all wrestling will be written by AI and performed by computer-generated avatars, and audience members will merely have to push a button to cheer, boo, or complain online.

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