Professional wrestling videogames have long sought to re-create the visceral experience of WWE programming, and the upcoming instalment in the WWE 2K series is reportedly so realistic that you’ll slip in and out of consciousness in the middle of each gameplay session.

Critics who have played an early release of the game have praised the game as “the most authentic yet” for its use of photo-realistic rambling promos in “cinematics that cannot be skipped,” and mandatory rest holds to make the second hour feel interminable.
The game features several new modes not seen in previous incarnations in the series, including:
- Two-minute commercial breaks in the middle of every match, with full un-skippable advertisements
- Local Indy Extra Mode, in which the player controls a “security guard,” a member of No Way Jose’s entourage, or — in most cases — is turned away at the door because no extras are needed that night.
- Sleep Mode, in which the game lets you doze until something interesting happens near the end right before the game “goes off the air” (that is, the console shuts off).
The new career mode allows the player to control Brock Lesnar, but for a maximum of six times per calendar year.
Avid gamer Xavier Woods described the experience of playing the game as “infuriatingly realistic.”
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