Undertaker issues WrestleMania challenge to Nicholas

The WrestleMania status of legendary sports-entertainer and mortician The Undertaker has been the subject of much speculation in recent weeks, but The Phenom laid such rumors to rest today when he vowed to “conquer the streak” of the undefeated Nicholas.
“On April 7, Nicholas, you will join the banished souls of those who now rest in peace,” the Undertaker snarled via TOUT, a wildly successful social media platform.
Nicholas [SURNAME UNKNOWN] shocked the world when, in his WWE debut, he carried teammate Braun Strowman to victory in a high-profile bout for the WWE Tag Team Championships.
Although Nicholas competes only rarely — slightly less frequently than Brock Lesnar — he remains undefeated in WWE and the only competitor in history to win a WWE championship before completing puberty.
But according to sources close to Nicholas, he has been staying in peak ring shape by performing under a mask with the pseudonym Gran Metalik, which roughly translates to “Child of Steel.”
Nicholas has not yet responded to the Undertaker’s challenge, but one backstage source says he will only face the Deadman on the condition that he can get home by his 9pm curfew.