Total Divas 2K16, an upcoming video game featuring the catty squabbles and shopping expeditions of WWE’s female roster, is expected by industry experts to sell “sluggishly” when it is released next month.
Early reviews of the game criticize its vapid storylines, hamfisted controls and predictable “story mode,” which largely consists of Natalya snuggling a cat while arguing with husband Tyson.
Based on the “popular” “reality TV” show by the same name, the Total Divas game will allow players to control their “favorite” Diva, from the Bella Twins to Paige to that one with bright red hair — you know… what’s her name…Reddy McHairchick.
The game features a number of playable scenarios, including:
- Drive Around With a Bored-Looking John Cena Mode
- Breast Augmentation Challenge
- Vanquish Daniel Bryan’s Credibility Mode
- Brie Mode
- JoJo Toss
The game, which will feature no actual in-ring action but plenty of name-calling at the salon, is rated “M” for moronic.
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