World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) hosts its annual sports-entertainment extravaganza, WrestleMania, this Sunday, and thousands of ticket-holders are eager to experience the action from behind an enormous lighting rig that will almost completely block their sightlines.

It is estimated that more than 80,000 fans will attend the event in Orlando, and that roughly 10 percent of them will actually be able to see the matches.

Most fans in attendance will uncomfortably crane their necks in a futile effort to see  around four thick pillars that will hold aloft an elaborate canopy for lighting, pyro, and protection from the inevitable rainfall forecast to douse the stadium.

Even among fans with unobstructed views of the ring, only those who paid exorbitant sums of money for premium seats will discern what is happening, while tens of thousands of more frugal fans will squint hopelessly at tiny specks in the distance.

Fans in the upper bowl of the stadium will see the event on a five-second delay because that is how long it will take for light to travel the vast distance from the ring to their seats.

Roughly 400 fans, who paid $12,000 apiece for their seats, will have a clear view of the matches, which are widely predicted to be lackluster and forgettable.


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