After enduring years of what they call a “highly unsafe working environment,” WWE’s Spanish announce team has filed a grievance demanding a much stronger commentary table.
“Something made of mahogany or oak would be good,” reads an English translation of their grievance. “Reinforced steel would be even better.”
Since the early 1990s, the Spanish commentators’ table has proven to be a favourite weapon of feuding wrestlers, who routinely slam one another through it.
The Spanish announce team has declared “discriminatory practices by WWE superstars,” since statistics prove wrestlers are 94 per cent more likely to slam one another through the Spanish commentary table than the English one.
“We just want fairness,” said commentator Carlos Cabrera.
“Well, what we actually want is for our table to be moved away from ringside — perhaps up to the press box at the top of arenas. That would be great.”
The announcers submitted the video montage below as evidence for their claims.
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