Despite high expectations, sales have been disappointing for a new WWE t-shirt bearing the slogan “I’m a Paul Roma Guy.”
Only eight of the shirts have been purchased from WWE’s online merchandise store,, and all eight were shipped to a Tampa resident named P. Roma.
Based on the runaway success of a similar shirt bearing the words “I’m a Paul Heyman Guy,” WWE merchandising executives assumed the Paul Roma shirt would be a big hit with fans.
But it seems that Paul Roma — a muscular mid-carder who briefly and inexplicably became a member of The Four Horsemen — does not have nearly as much fan appeal as outspoken manager Paul Heyman.
Based on the poor sales of the Roma shirt, WWE has decided not to pursue other shirt ideas including “I’m a Paul Ellering Guy” and “I’m a Paul Orndorff Guy.”
Plans for an “I’m a Paul Bearer Guy” t-shirt were deemed to be “too soon.”
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