Despite being geographically and culturally distinct from one another, Russia and Bulgaria “are pretty much the exact same place,” according to a report issued today by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).
The report — written by WWE’s Chief of International Affairs, H. J. Duggan — seems to be an attempt by WWE to explain why Rusev, a Bulgarian wrestler, is so patriotically devoted to Russia, which is roughly 1,000 miles from the Bulgarian border.
Even though Russia and Bulgaria are separated by Romania, Moldova and Ukraine, WWE appears to be capitalizing on the unwillingness of the majority of its viewers to understand basic geography or diplomacy.
WWE has thus far failed to explain why Rusev is so disinterested in his native Bulgaria while espousing such a pro-Russian stance, especially since Bulgaria’s affiliation with NATO and the EU over the past decade has strained Russian-Bulgarian relations.
Asked for comment on the matter, Rusev’s manager Lana told reporters to “Sha-tahp.”
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