Rusev regrets tramp stamp

Rusev tramp stamp
Rusev got his "tramp stamp" while drunk on Pomtinis in Las Vegas.
Rusev tramp stamp

Insisting that it “seemed like a good idea at the time,” Bulgarian-turned-Russian professional wrestler Rusev admits that now, in hindsight, he wishes he hadn’t gotten the tramp stamp on his lower back.

“Zapishites pazhalsta spasibo bolsya,” said the gargantuan anti-American brute, which an interpreter translated as: “Yep, the tattoo makes me look like a bit of a skank.”

In an uncharacteristically chatty and honest mood, Rusev explained that he got inked while on a trip to Las Vegas with his “besties” in late 2011.

The triangular design, which Rusev says is “tribal” (but bears no resemblance to the iconography of any known tribe), reaches from the top of his buttocks to the middle of his massive torso.

Rusev insists that, had he known he would be performing shirtless in front of millions of television viewers each week, he would have put more thought into the design, which he chose while drunk on Pomtinis.

“Crush podzdravyayu zehlaya pomryinoyo,” he said, which translates to “I did it to impress a friend that I had a crush on.”

Rusev also has a tattoo on his right ankle of a dolphin jumping over a rainbow, accompanied by Japanese lettering that he mistakenly believes means “strength” (it actually means “discount tuna”).