Betsy Menderchuk, a 43-year-old soccer mom and knitting blogger from central Ohio, confirmed today that she will serve as “guest host” on an upcoming episode of World Wrestling Entertainment’s flagship weekly program, Monday Night Raw.

“Golly, this is exciting,” she tweeted to her 17 Twitter followers, most of whom are immediate family, “I’m going to be on TV! #Nervous.”

It is unclear why WWE picked Menderchuk for the role, given her lack of television experience and total unfamiliarity with professional wrestling, which she described on her knitting blog, MommyInStitches, as “that Hulk Hogan phoney stuff.”

The announcement did not surprise wrestling fans, however, who have become accustomed to an endless parade of increasingly irrelevant and pointless Raw guest-hosts, including Kathie-Lee and Hoda, Grumpy Cat, Larry the Cable Guy, and an Inanimate Carbon Rod.

Most wrestling pundits believe Menderchuk will do at least as passable a job in the guest-host role as Drew Carey did, and likely much better than Dennis Miller.

According to a recent statistical study, if current trends continue, every human being on Earth will have guest-hosted Raw by the year 2073.


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