The world of professional wrestling is embroiled in scandal once again after it was revealed today that Seth Rollins, the so-called “Architect” of WWE, dropped out of architectural collage.
According to leaked transcripts published today on TMZ, Rollins spent only one semester at the Cincinnati School of Architecture, getting failing grades in Urban Design 101, Structural Engineering, and Shield Building.
“He was a terrible student,” said Prof. Troy Alan, dean of the program. “We used to call him Taj the Destroyer, because he accidentally broke our scale model of the Taj Mahal.”
Despite Rollins’ failure at architectural school, he adopted the nickname “The Architect” in WWE, but only after he was told his first choice for a nickname, Gixx, was stupid.
According to one backstage source, Rollins’ architectural skills are so sub-par that “he can’t even keep his own knee in one piece.”
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