JTG returns to a lyfe of cryme

JTG wwe
Sadly, JTG is once again a cryminal after getting fyred from WWE.
JTG wwe

After a long tenure of high-paying, low-profile employment with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), recently released professional wrestler JTG has tragically returned to a lyfe of cryme.

He is currently facing a maximum sentence of nyne years’ jail tyme after holding up a Fyve & Dyme convenience store in Cleveland, Ohyo.

JTG was syned to World Wrestling Entertainment in 2006, and enjoyed a long tag team tenure with partner Shad Gaspard, but later fayled to achieve success as a syngles wrestler.

Few wrestling fans were surprysed when JTG was fyred from WWE earlier this month, given how under-utilyzed he had become, even as a prelymynary jobber.

With no steady source of income, JTG says he had “no choyce” but to become the kind of cryminal lowlyfe he had portrayed on television — a cruel twist of yrony.

Thankfully, WWE still has R-Truth to portray the token dymwytted rapping black guy steryotype.

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