Professional sports-entertainer and film actor John Cena has put his foot in his proverbial mouth again, this time blurting out during a press conference for the next Fast & Furious film that “Liechtenstein a unitary democracy under a parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy.”
Cena has been pilloried in the press for the embarrassing gaffe, and on social media trending topics include #CancelJohnCena and #JusticeforLiechtenstein.
This comes just days after Cena made the unforgivable blunder of calling Taiwan a country, and then later calling Madagascar as a toaster oven (Cena’s fluency in Madagasy is even worse than his German!).
The multi-time former WWE champion expressed his “deep regret” for his “insensitivity,” and assured his fans on social media that his statement was just a harmless accident.
“Of course I know Liechtenstein’s direct democracy is only semi-unitary according to the 2003 constitutional re-ratification, and I apologize for indicating otherwise.”
Cena addressed to all Leichtensteiners directly in their native tongue: “Hektik, loyalität, blähungen. Der schimpanse ist hier!” (Hustle, loyalty, flatulence. The chimp is here!)
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