In historic summit, Trump asks Putin how he celebrates Rusev Day

WWE Hall of Famer and US “President” Donald Trump promised he would get “straight to business” in his contentious summit with Russian Leader Vladimir, and he delivered on that promise by asking Putin a slew of questions about Rusev Day.
Among the questions Trump asked via a Russian translator (a buxom blonde named Lara):
- “Do Russians exchange gifts to celebrate Rusev Day?”
- “Who would win in a fight between Rusev and Ivan Drago?”
- “Rusev is from Bulgaria — that’s a city in Russia, right? Does it need a casino?”
Putin smirked coyly when Trump peppered him with questions, most of which were based on a limited understanding of Russian politics and culture based on what Trump has learned through professional wrestling.
Trump’s line of questioning continued for another 30 minutes:
- “Is orange soda in Russia called Machka?”
- “Is Nicolai Volkoff a famous singer in Russia?”
- “We both have a nuclear arsenal, but did you know that America has Adam Bomb?”
- “Will you join America in our ongoing manhunt to track down Muhammad Hassan?
After the photo opportunity with media, Trump and Putin then retreated to a private room, where Trump suggested they watch a replay of Extreme Rules — a WWE event that, according to a new CNN report, was rigged by Russian hackers.