In an attempt to recapture its former glory, Hulkamania attempted to run wild today, but abruptly tripped and only managed to stumble tamely.
Hulkamania spent many years running wild, igniting passionate responses from Hulkamaniacs worldwide, but those days are apparently long gone.
Earlier today, Hulkamania broke into a light jog, hoping to warm up its aching muscles before running wild. Advancing age and decrepitude, however, made even this light exercise agonizingly difficult.
When Hulkamania attempted to run wild anyway, its right knee buckled and its right ankle was sprained in the resulting tumble.
Gasping for air, Hulkamania slowly got back to its feet and hobbled in shame to the nearest bar, where it drank the pain away.
Hulkamania was heard by onlookers to say: “I’m getting too old for this crap.”
Now confined to a wheelchair, Hulkamania hopes to be rollin’ wild within three-to-six weeks.
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