Professional wrestling advocate and verbose walrus Paul Heyman expressed shock today after discovering that his client’s first name is spelled Brock, not Burrock.
“Well this is embarrassing,” said an incredulous Heyman. “Have I been pronouncing it wrong this whole time?”
Heyman’s mistake is somewhat forgivable, given that his client has not uttered a single word in English — only pterodactyl-like shrieks — since 2013, and has never corrected Heyman’s diction.
The advocate was doubly surprised to learn that he has also been mispronouncing his client’s surname as LESS-nur, as opposed to the correct LEZ-nar.
Heyman’s chronic mangling of Brock Lesnar’s name is believed to be the most egregious case of mispronunciation in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) since William Regal called Umaga “Youmanga,” or perhaps even since Jesse Ventura insisted Tito Santana’s name was Chico.
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