Renowned sports-entertainer and corporate bigwig Hunter Hearst Helmsley was reportedly “mortified” upon realizing that, after decades of calling himself both “Hunter” and “The Game,” he realized those terms are basically antonyms.
“Wait a second,” Helmsley mused aloud to wife Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, who responded incredulously: “You’re just realizing this now?”
Helmsley is one of sports-entertainment’s most enduring superstars, and a recent documentary chronicled his 50-year in-ring career, from his early days as Terra Ryzing, , Terra Bollea, Jean-Paul LePew, Frenchie LaRue, The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, The Asinine Cerebrum, Triple H, Quadruple H (the brief time he added “Hunky” to his name), and of course Konnor of The Ascension.
Helmsley never realized — and nobody ever told him — that “game” refers to an animal tracked and killed by a “hunter,” (unless the hunter Trips and Terra Ryzes the game).
The grappler reportedly became doubly confused when he suddenly realized that “Paul Bearer” is a pun.
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