Hunter Hearst Helmsley, the recent heir to the sports-entertainment empire of WWE, is building a team of pro wrestling impresarios around him — appointing longtime chum Shawn Michaels as head of Creative, and legendary Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling promoter Dixie Carter as his second-in-command.
During a media conference call this morning, Helmsley described the appointment as “best for business,” given Carter’s virtuosic leadership of TNA Wrestling when it nearly overthrew WWE during the famed Second Monday Night Wars of 2010.
The recruitment of Carter, a billionaire heiress and aunt of legendary grappler EC3, marks another radical move that would have been conceivable under the rule of Vince mcMahon, the WWE mogul who stepped aside this year amid allegations that he is exactly the kind of person everyone always assumed him to be.
Earlier this week, Helmsley announced several other notable appointments to WWE’s executive team, including Kevin Nash as head of I.T., Mark “Undertaker” Calaway as VP of Human Resources, and Ric Flair as World Heavyweight Champion.
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