Anonymous, the loose-knit global cadre of hactivists known for doling out online vigilante justice, announced today that it served as the General Manager of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) program Monday Night Raw between 2010 and 2011.
In a cryptic video released this afternoon, a masked man wearing a Guy Fawkes mask admitted, on behalf of the collective, that Hornswoggle (alleged to have been the General Manager) was “just a scapegoat” to cloak the true identity.
“We are legion,” said the masked man in a digitally distorted voice. “We do not forgive. We do not forget. And we emailed Michael Cole, like, 20 times every Monday.”
Cole, a WWE commentator who acted as the mouthpiece for the General Manager, insists he never knew the source of the missives he delivered, but admits that, in hindsight, the modus operandi of the General Manager was “Vintage Anonymous.”
Although Anonymous no longer controls Raw, the group has vowed to “bring to justice” the perpetrators of such heinous crimes as the arson at Kane’s childhood home and the bombing of Vince McMahon’s limousine.
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