Promoters of an independent wrestling event hedged their bets by including a small disclaimer at the bottom of their poster reading “Card Subject to Suck.”
Apparently aware that the event may underwhelm, promoters of Dynamic Championship Wrestling (DCW) added the disclaimer to the poster for an upcoming show, which could attract up to a record-breaking crowd of 100 fans.
“Ticketholders should be aware that, despite our best intentions, there is an inherent risk of this show sucking badly,” said promoter “Devious” Daniel Drake.
Most posters for professional wrestling events contain the caveat “Card Subject to Change,” since last-minute alterations and cancelations are practically inevitable.
The AAPW show — which features a midget battle royal and three dance-offs — will surely face the additional hurdle of terrible wrestling.
An even smaller caveat at the bottom of the poster wisely says: “No Refunds.”
[Editor’s Note: Support independent wrestling, especially DCW, whom we hope are good sports].
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