We rarely make mistakes at Kayfabe News, as we maintain the highest standards of journalism.
Sometimes, however, despite the diligent work of our fact-checking department, erroneous information slips through.
In one such regrettable instance, Kayfabe News published an article purporting to share the results of the Royal Rumble, due to the event having been pre-taped last Tuesday.
Since publishing the article, it has been brought to the attention of our Editorial Board that the so-called “results,” which were provided by a source named R. Dogg, have dubious provenance and may be fraudulent.
Although it is too early to know for sure, we believe that the Royal Rumble will be held live tonight, and that our previously reported “results” were the work of an irresponsible trickster.
We apologize for the error.
Enjoy the Royal Rumble. Rollins is going to win, you know.
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