Big Show vs. Mark Henry confirmed for premiere of “405 Live”

So far, the only competitors signed to WWE's new Superheavyweight Division are Mark Henry and the Big Show.
So far, the only competitors signed to WWE's new Superheavyweight Division are Mark Henry and the Big Show.

Fans of plodding, low-flying action are in store for a treat when the stars of WWE’s new Superheavyweight Division get their very own showcase on the WWE Network, called 405 Live.

The main event — and, indeed, the only event — currently booked for Thursday’s series premiere will pit Big Show against Mark Henry, because they are currently the only two wrestlers on the roster who surpass the 405-pound minimum weight.

Although the roster currently includes only two competitors (which is only slightly less than the Cruiserweight Division), rumors abound that WWE COO Triple H has been scouting potential signees including:

  • The Yeti (pronounced “yet-tay”)
  • The Great Khali (currently working his native India as a telephone pole)
  • All five original members of the Spirt Squad duct-taped together
  • Yo momma

According to backstage rumours, Braun Strowman has been trying to bulk up to qualify for the division by eating everything in sight, including James Ellsworth.

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