Eager to win the affections of professional wrestler Seth Rollins, an amorous skunk from France has painted its signature stripe yellow to match the blond streak that runs through the WWE Champion’s otherwise black hair.
“Oh mon dieu!” exclaimed the skunk, Pepe Le Pew, admiring himself in the mirror after the dye job.
“Ma coiffure blonde est tres belle!”
Although Le Pew typically focuses his affections on disinterested female cats, he fell madly in love with Rollins when The Shield first debuted on WWE programming, and his been obsessed ever since with wooing the wrestler.
Rollins has thus far rebuked all of the skunk’s flirtations, insisting that he prefers female humans over male rodents, but this has only encouraged Le Pew to flirt more persistently.
“Rollins a toujours ete mon chien prefere de la justice,” said La Pew, which translates to “Rollins was always my favourite hound of justice.”
With a sly wink, Le Pew added: “Je pouvais faire ce que chien hurler, si vous savez ce que je veux dire! (I could make that hound howl!).”
Rollins is reportedly hoping that Le Pew will soon turn his attention toward the newest cast member of Total Divas.
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