AJ Lee celebrates eleventh birthday

AJ Lee age
AJ Lee was the belle of the ball at her 11th birthday party.
AJ Lee age

Female professional wrestler AJ Lee was the center of attention in the WWE locker room today as she and friends celebrated her eleventh birthday.

The pint-sized princess skipped merrily around the locker room with more girlish enthusiasm than usual, squealing with delight and flipping her hair from side to side.

The birthday is another milestone on Lee’s road to maturity, though she displayed plenty of impish attitude when it was time to blow out all eleven candles on her cake.

Overstimulated by attention and sugar during the party, Lee threw one of her trademark tantrums, shrieking shrilly and clutching the leg of her surrogate mother-figure, Tamina Snuka.

Lee’s WWE colleagues hope Lee will outgrow such childish outbursts when she reaches adolescence. She is already beginning to show signs of blossoming into womanhood with preliminary bosoms and widening hips.

CM Punk, a fellow wrestler with whom Lee reportedly had a romantic relationships, says he “could have sworn she was 18.”