Move over, kitty-cats: there’s a new adorable internet sensation!

Just when you thought the Superstars of WWE couldn’t get any cuter, it turns out they’re terrified of cucumbers.

The trend of videos depicting cats being frightened by cucumbers is so last week. Wrestlers scared by cucumbers will be a viral hit for at least the next 17 hours (at most, the next 21 hours).

Just look at the wrestlers’ darling little faces when they see those cucumbers. Don’t you just want to cuddle them all day!

scared swagger cucumber

Jack Swagger looks like he’s seen a ghost, but it’s just a cucumber! Silly Swagger!

scared mysterio cucumber

Don’t worry l’il Rey-Rey, it’s not the border patrol. It’s just a cucumber!

Scared orton cucumber

Randy Orton just can’t…

Scared vince cucumber

Even the boss is, like, EEK! A CUCUMBER!

Scared Rollins Cucumber

Seth Rollins is afraidĀ of no man. A cucumber, on the other hand…

scared michaels cucumber

This is why Shawn Michaels retired.


This concludes the stupidest — and possibly the greatest — Kayfabe News post of all time.


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