WWE wrestlers Yoshi Tatsu and Tyson Kidd squared off against one another last night in a showdown that was described by wrestling commentators as “the stoppable force meeting the movable object.”
Neither competitor dominated the other, nor did either man unleash feats of brute strength or ruthless aggression that struck fear into his opponent.
Fans in attendance did not leap to their feet in amazement, and not a single chant of “Ho-ly sh**” or “This is awe-some” erupted in the not-yet-packed arena.
The six-minute match — the opening bout of a WWE Superstars broadcast from Wichita — featured three arm drags, a sunset flip, two dropkicks, several nifty hurricaranas, and a small package by Kidd for the victory.
Wrestling pundits have since described the match as “decent,” and many believe the bout will go down in the history books as “a match that happened on a given date at a certain place.”
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