Just days after heroically rescuing his own mother from a burning house, professional wrestler Chris Masters saved his former colleague Kane from the dangerous confines of an inferno match.
Masters, a muscular megalomaniac who was known as “The Masterpiece” during his WWE heyday, has evidently found renewed purpose in his role as a freelance firefighter.
The demonic masked wrestler Kane and opponent Dean Ambrose were in the midst of an inferno match — in which the ring is engulfed in flames, and the loser is the first competitor to be burned — when Masters unexpectedly arrived at the scene.
Masters was holding a full-sized uprooted tree, which he used to smother the flames surrounding one side of the ring before hoisting Kane onto his shoulders and carrying him to safety.
Masters has also been spotted recently rescuing a kitten from a tree and teaching children about the dangers of playing with matches.
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