Fans of professional sports-entertaining were united in befuddlement today after witnessing the unprecedented: an in-ring contract signing unfolded in an efficient, mutually agreeable formalization of a legally binding document, followed by cordial niceties.
The grapplers, former 3MB member Drew McIntyre and Seth Todd Rollins, both seemed pleased that the proceedings unfolded precisely as a typical legal procedural formality should. Both men were eager to re-try the signing after tempers flared a week earlier, resulting in a messy impromptu brouhaha.
Typically the two signees of such a document would, at some point in the process, find themselves overcome with an uncontrollable lust for violence, which typically results in a signed document, a broken table, and a deafening silence where a “holy sh**” chant should be.
Instead Rollins and McIntyre n bumped elbows, exchanged well wishes, and went their separate ways to begin training for the big fight they just signed into reality.
WWE issued a rare apology for the unusual happening, and said all future contact signings will be “total shitshows.”
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