After unexpectedly finding himself in conversation with an attractive female human at an airport bar, wrestling fan Todd Stephenson, 34, lied unconvincingly that he was wearing a Bullet Club pin “as a joke” and that he watches wrestling “from a totally ironic standpoint.”
Laughing nervously, Stephenson described professional wrestling as a “silly soap opera for men,” even though he has always hated that cliched description of what he usually calls “the business.”
“Can you believe some people take it seriously?” he said, failing to mention that he hasn’t missed an episode of Raw in two decades and runs a weekly podcast called Heel Heat.
When the woman described wrestling is a “fake sport for rednecks,” Stephenson bit his tongue and smiled awkwardly, subduing the almost-overwhelming urge to retort that, despite the outcomes being pre-determined, matches require great athleticism to perform safely.
Despite his posturing and deception, Stephenson was unsuccessful in securing a romantic encounter with the woman; the conversation dwindled and ended when the woman, 28-year-old Teresa Green, became afraid that Stephenson might realize she actually loves wrestling and is chair of the Young Bucks Fan Club.
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