Dance-off or Food Fight? What’s Your Favorite Wrestling Match Type?

It has been said that “anything can happen” in the world of professional sports-entertaining, given the endless variety of matches — from lingerie pillow fights to freestyle rap-offs — in which athletes can battle for ring supremacy.
So we’re wondering — what’s your favourite sports-entertainment match type?
Since the possibilities are endless, we narrowed it down to the 15 most-popular match formats, as chosen in an online poll by 10,000 voters (or, we’re starting to suspect, one Russian bot).
- Tuxedo Match
- Pose-Off
- Hardcore Evening Gown Match
- Arkansas Hog Pen Match
- Reverse Battle Royal
- Blindfold Match
- Bra and Panties Match
- Food Fight
- Arm Wrestling Match
- Coal Miner’s Glove on a Pole Match
- King of the Road Match
- Kennel From Hell Match
- Punjabi Prison Match
- Freestyle Rap-off
- Live Sex Celebration
Here’s hoping WWE moves away from boring old “one-on-one” or “tag-team” or “Hell in a Cell” matches, because they’re so predictable and passe.
Last week’s on-air food fight is hopefully a sign of better things to come!