WWE airing live Raw on Christmas because McMahon still trying to one-up God

Rather than airing a pre-recorded episode of Monday Night Raw and letting sports-entertainers spend a holiday with their families, WWE will host a live episode of the program on Christmas due to Vince McMahon’s ongoing feud with God.
“Silent night my ass,” McMahon snarled, flipping a middle finger skyward at the North Star (a symbol of the guiding light that led the three wisemen to manger of baby Jesus. “Joy to the World… Wrestling Entertainment.”
McMahon and his son Shane defeated God and partner Shawn Michaels in a tag match at WWE Backlash in 2006, and reportedly capitalizes on every opportunity to gloat about it.
Sources close to McMahon say he has always had a “God complex,” but that the victory over God more than a decade ago inflated his already-colossal ego to astronomical proportions.
“Quite frankly,” McMahon said, “God is starting to get a McMahon complex, quite frankly.”
According to leaked documents from WWE’s corporate headquarters, employees are forbidden from saying “Merry Christmas,” and must instead utter “Merry Vincemas.”