Nine commentators added to SmackDown announce team

The ever-expanding commentary team of WWE SmackDown LIVE grew again this morning with the announcement that nine more announcers have been added to the team.
Starting next Tuesday, a total of 13 commentators will be crammed around the announce table to ensure that the in-ring action is called with a broad range of opinions, observations, squabbling, and talking over one another.
In addition to John “Bradshaw” Layfield, Mauro Ranallo, David Otunga and Tom Phillips, the commentary team will be bolstered with the addition of:
- Renee Young, for a bubbly female presence
- Taz, for suplex analysis and Brooklyn drawl
- Todd Pettingill, for nostalgia
- Booker T, because who else is going to say nonsensical jibberjabber?
- Mike Tenay, to passionately holler “What is [name] doing in the SmackDown Zone?!
- Byron Saxton, as the whipping boy
- Funaki, to agree with people using “Indeeeeed.”
- Tony Shiavone, to dismiss must-see matches with sardonic quips about butts in seats
- Mike Adamle, just to punish us all
When he heard the news that SmackDown will have 13 commentators, former ECW commentator Joey Styles — an adept solo announcer — merely shook his head and muttered “Oh my god.”