Stranger Things, the nostalgic Netflix hit that left binge-watching viewers craving more, is set to return in 2017 with a second season that delves into the mysterious origins of professional wrestling’s enigmatic Wyatt Family.
The series, which captivated audiences with its Spielberg-meets-King pastiche of ’80s horror tropes, will reportedly depict the troubled childhoods of the hillbilly cult.
According to a leaked script, the upcoming season will feature the following plot twists:
- The so-called “Upside-Down” parallel dimension can be accessed by following buzzards
- Eleven, the bald and mute girl with telekinetic powers, is revealed to be the elusive Sister Abigail
- Police Chief Jim Hopper seeks assistance from his uncle in Cobb County, the Big Boss Man
- It is revealed that Eleven developed her telekinetic powers thanks to ICOPRO
- Winona Ryder’s character, Joyce Byers, communicates with her missing son through a flickering lights known as “fireflies”
- The main protagonists battle an enormous and hideous mythical creature from Dungeons & Dragons known as the Braunstrowman
- The townfolk are baffled by chairs that mysteriously rock by themselves
According to one source who has seen early footage, the season is “pretty fun, but a bit too derivative of Waylon Mercy.”
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