Only 9,130 sleeps ’til Raw 50!

Just hours after a monumental celebration of the 25th anniversary of Monday Night Raw, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has already begun hyping the 50th anniversary episode, which is less than 10,000 days away.
Wrestling fans worldwide — except, perhaps, those who stared at a mostly empty ring last night at the Manhattan Center — are abuzz with anticipation about the fast-approaching Raw 50 episode.
Speculation and rumors are already swirling on internet message boards, such as:
- What cryptic messages will the Undertaker the 77-year-old Undertaker share?
- Will Vince McMahon emerge from his cryogenic suspended animation slumber to accept a commemorative plaque?
- Will two-term US President Dwayne Johnson make an appearance?
- Which species of intergalactic grappler will be Universal Champion by then?
- Who will go on from Raw 50 to main event WrestleMania 59 at the Mars TerraDome against Roman Reigns?
According to a press release issued by WWE this morning, the event will be broadcast via the Holographic WWE Network to the neural microchips of subscribers (for the low, low price of 99.99 Yuan a month).