7 Super-Sexy Pictures of Kevin Owens That Will Make You Drool!

Step aside, Paige and Bellas — there’s a new gorgeous piece of eye-candy in WWE!
Kevin Owens has brought sexy back to sports entertainment in a big way, and we’ve got the gallery to prove it.
Those curves, those eyes, that neckbeard; no wonder his initials are K.O. — he’s a total knockout!
Enjoy the pictures, and try not to let your jaw hit the floor too hard.
#7. OMG, this come-hither look is too much!
#6. Three words: Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.
#5. Admit it: you would drink his bathwater.
#4. Sorry Shawn Michaels, but the “Sexy Boy” theme song now belongs to Kevin Owens.
#3. I just can’t.
#2. Sunny, Lita, Trish… dogs by comparison.