Cena accidentally says “You can’t see me” to blind kid

During one of his many meet-and-greet sessions at children’s hospitals across the nation, John Cena made an embarrassing gaffe by saying “You can’t see me” to a little blind boy.
Cena waved his right hand in front of his face, flashed a friendly smile and said “You can’t see me” to 11-year-old Timothy Greene, who suffers from a degenerative neurological disorder that affects his optic nerves.
An awkward hush fell over the lounge in Manhattan Pediatric Hospital, where several children and their parents were gathered for the much-anticipated meeting with Cena.
A WWE public relations associate then whispered to Cena that Timothy is legally blind, which caused Cena to turn pale and stammer something about “hustle, loyalty and respect.”
Timothy later said he wasn’t bothered by Cena’s comment, and insisted he found the whole thing kind of funny.
“Cena sucks anyway,” he said. “I’m a CM Punk fan.”